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Nervous System Massage

Pink Clouds

Experience a Nervous System Massage designed to soothe and ground you into your body. Allow yourself the opportunity to slow down, let go and receive nurturing, gentle and restorative touch. 


Designed to take your body on a journey into deep relaxation and stillness, these sessions activate the parasympathetic nervous system and increase the release of endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals.


Each session meets your body with the care it needs. A blend of techniques are offered, tailored to your body and being, including guided breathing, rhythmical rocking and pulsing, deep tissue massage, trigger point release, body compressions, bone and joint massage, and sensory activation through scents, sound and sensory objects, all of which allows a sense of unfurling, melting away physical, mental and emotional tension and being cocooned and held. 


Whole-body integrative strokes inspired by Kahuna and Lomi Loma massage, are woven throughout. These fluid motions and rhythmic nature are likened to that of an ocean, flowing up and down the length of the body, encouraging the mind to enter a restorative, altered state of consciousness. Some clients experience a release of emotional build up, and this is welcomed as a form of emotional detox.


This is an opportunity to receive heart-based touch and open to a dynamic re-patterning process of mind, body and spirit. 

Who is this for?

  • Those seeking a unique, soulful massage to restore the entire being.

  • Those who experience chronic stress, busyness, anxiety, worry and nervous system imbalances, offering a way to calm the mind, let go of tension and bring the whole system back into harmony and ease. 

  • Supportive during life transitions, integration following inner work or recent shifts, or changes in your life.

What is involved? 

This is a whole body, oil-based massage, though can be tailored to specific areas of the body or a non-oil/fully clothed option upon request. Traditionally fully unclothed with secure modesty draping to allow continuous flow between the legs, glutes and back (NB. underwear can be worn or disposable underwear can be provided for your comfort).

What are the benefits?

Benefits may include:​​​​

  • De-stressing, soothing the nervous system and returning to centre 

  • Accessing deeper layers of relaxation and stillness 

  • Relieving muscle soreness and body pain

  • Cleansing and detoxifying the body

  • Increased vitality and enhanced quality of sleep 

  • Improved lymphatic, circulatory, immune, respiratory & digestive systems 

  • Unwinding tension and holding patterns in the body

  • Feeling more connected with your body and being  

  • Expanded self awareness and deeper inner alignment ​

Image by Anne Kristin Euba | FLORAL ART PHOTOGRAPHY

“There’s a lot of neuroscience now raising the question, ‘Is all the intelligence in the human body in the brain?’, and they’re finding out that, no, it’s not like that. The body has intelligence itself, and we’re much more of an organic creature in that way”

Joel Kinnaman

I am speechless, Rachel. I can't thank you enough for your support and comfort. After my first bodywork session, I loved the ongoing quiet inner sounds and processing of the energy that had moved through me. I actually had never felt like that before and to open my heart was quite challenging and you made it possible. I went to so many emotions and places inside me. There were tears and happiness, I felt lots of unwanted and hurtful experiences resurface to be acknowledged but now they have finally let go.

Over time these sessions with you have brought joy to my heart and freed my mind. It is the kick start I needed to get excited about life again. I feel greater clarity and internally happier and more peaceful thanks to your help.


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