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Flower Petals

Intimacy Coaching & 
Tantric Bodywork


Where are you located?

All sessions are held in my private rental in Giralang, ACT. Mobile sessions by request and only for returning clients - email to inquire.

What is the benefit of bodywork?

The purpose of hands-on bodywork is to offer people experiential learning opportunities. While the mind can comprehend an idea, the wisdom of states like surrender, receptivity and relaxed arousal are felt and remembered in the body. Through being present with and changing the soma or tissues of our body, we can experience the ripple effect through our entire being including at the mental level. Bodywork holds you in a safe and compassionate container while journeying within the self, which can offer the support needed for a deeper exploration of the nature of your eros energy and sexuality. It allows time and space to be dedicated to your own intentions, needs and self-awareness. 

Bodywork is not for everyone, however, and coaching alone may effectively meet a person with what they need or where they are currently at in their journey. Your personal circumstance can be discussed in an inquiry call, intake form and the initial session discussion.

What is the role of the practitioner and nature of the touch?

The role of the practitioner is to create a space that invites vulnerability and permission to feel and be received as you are in each moment, facilitates the deepening of awareness of sensations and communication with the body, and guides and contains opportunities to lean into edges and states of expansion. These sessions are not about forming a personal connection with me but having a safe and warm container to explore your own body and sexuality and subsequently apply these experiences and learnings in your day-to-day life to create deeper fulfilment in yourself and your relationships.

The touch is devotional in nature. While there is the same warmth and professionalism like that of an alternative health practitioner, the nature of bodywork and sexuality is uniquely vulnerable and highly intimate. The experience of devotional touch is one of neutrality, integrity, nurturance, reverence, deep listening to the body and being, and unconditional presence and love. I aim to attune to the layers of your being in each moment to be right there with you, immersing in the moments of wonder, connection and discovery with you, yet with enough spaciousness that you unfold into your heart as your own journey.

What will I feel during the session?

Clients often experience some nervousness upon arrival. Spending a portion of time chatting at the beginning allows time to relax, ask questions and learn some skills to get the most out of the bodywork. During the bodywork, clients mostly experience the mind switching off, tension releasing from the body, deep relaxation, the senses coming alive and eros activation. Clients will have a reference point in their bodies of what it feels like to experience “relaxed arousal”. 

The bodywork experience is unique to each individual as well from session to session. However, some common experiences are: sensing energy activating, releasing and expanding through the body, heightened sensitivity, shaking, tremors, body contractions, altered states of consciousness (e.g., trance), unresolved memories or life themes surfacing to be metabolised back into the system, heart openings, psychedelic-like visualisations, emotions such as joy, rage, fear, bliss, shame and relief, and states like crying, laughter, clarity and confidence.

By the end of the session most clients feel deeply relaxed, nurtured and nourished. In the immediate period after the session, some clients are very energised and others feel very tired and need to rest. The energy and experience of the session can be present in a client’s awareness for hours or days afterwards. 

Who is this for? Who is this NOT for?

These sessions are for those who wish to live more open-heartedly and cultivate a deeper connection with

themselves, loved ones, and life as a whole. It is for people who are receptive to new perspectives, willing to be vulnerable and feel more of themselves, and who wish to build a deeper connection between their sex and heart centre (i.e., explore their sexuality/eros energy beyond solely the physicality and instead infused with the purity and consciousness of the heart). 

While I work within a trauma informed framework, I do not offer sessions to people who have experienced chronic or complex trauma that involves sexual abuse/assault and triggers current dysregulation as it is outside the scope of my practice. These sessions are not a substitute for medical or psychological care and I am not qualified to diagnose, prescribe or treat physical or mental illness. Feel welcome to contact me if you'd like to discuss your personal circumstances.

I DO NOT work with people seeking an erotic service or personal connection with me. I DO NOT provide stress relief/'rub n tug' services, take requests for sexual acts, role play personal fantasies, act as a surrogate partner or an object to get a 'hit' of the feminine, or fill emotional voids like companionship or affection. There is no kissing, body rubs, oral or intercourse. I do not get naked. All touch is one-way from practitioner to client. Please check in with your genuine intentions before inquiring. Sessions will be terminated without refund if this energy is present.

My intention is to support people to experience a meaningful shift in the realm of intimacy, sexuality and connection to their body and greater being (be this on the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and/or spiritual planes). This involves a level of active participation in the form of curiosity and openness, the ability to self reflect, and a willingness to be present and vulnerable.

Please note sessions are by application only.

Is it okay if I am partnered or married?

Yes – clients who are in long term, committed relationships/marriages may want to explore tantra to become a better lover for their partner. Transparency is encouraged and further information/communication can be provided to a partner if needed.

Can pleasure be part of a session? Does a session guarantee pleasure? Is pleasure the only focus?

Yes, no and no.

Sessions are about letting go of goals and expectations and being present with what is arising in the moment. Being in touch with your intention for showing up to a session is encouraged as it anchors more conscious awareness in how you are currently experiencing and relating to your Eros energy, sexuality and sensual self and how you may wish to explore or evolve in this space. It gives context for the mind as to the purpose and impetus for choosing to receive a session and communicates to life a direction or focus of where you are putting your energy and commitment and would therefore like to receive and expand.

Yet, simultaneously, entering the bodywork container is a letting go of trying to make anything happen or to get anywhere. It is a dropping of pushing or forcing an agenda and instead allowing the wisdom and intelligence of the body to unravel in its own unique, non-linear way. This can look like an opening to the full spectrum of life, from pleasure to pain, and oftentimes a journey of moving through contraction/expansion as the body untangles patterns of holding and realises an expanded capacity to feel and contain more of its natural state and energy.

These sessions are distinct from erotic/sensual massage, which commonly focus on producing contracted arousal with a goal and guarantee of explosive orgasm/release/peak states. While this approach holds its own value, these tantric massage sessions do not force or will the body into states of pleasure and libido. Instead, they create the conditions for a fully relaxed open body, a listening to the individual nervous system and unique activation of its life force energy, and the allowance of energy to build and be infused/integrated into the body. If pleasure arises, it often is experienced as a deep, internal, implosive sensation where the orgasmic energy is contained, circulated and absorbed into the body. 

Will I ejaculate and/or orgasm?

These sessions are framed to involve no ejaculation and are instead a learning experience to cultivate and contain your sexual energy without the need to project it outside of you. Some clients experience orgasm and full body orgasms without ejaculation, although this isn’t the goal. Occasionally a client will accidentally ejaculate and it is okay if it happens - any shame or judgement around this is removed.

What is relaxed arousal VS tension arousal?

The framework and gift of these sessions is to offer an experience of feeling expansive arousal in the body. Many people are more familiar with experiencing contracted or tension-based arousal. This is the experience of intense, high sensation arousal that oftentimes arises from external input and repetitive, concentrated stimulation of the body. It generally is maintained for shorter periods of time or in bursts and can feel draining or as a sense of depleted energy due to the amount of resources the body draws on to generate and sustain the contraction. Typical examples of this may include the use of a vibrator or hard and fast genital penetration or stimulation with a goal of arriving at orgasm/ejaculation rapidly. 

Contracted arousal is one form of arousal that can be pleasurable, connective and matched to what a person desires. Likewise, in this nuanced space and within the context of sexuality and human consciousness at present, contracted arousal can be limiting, unfulfilling and disconnecting for another individual. Instances where an exploration beyond contracted arousal could be nourishing include: when the body is becoming numb/de-sensitised with intense, fast stimulation; if there is a sense of emptiness/flatness/boredom or short-lived satisfaction after intimacy; or where there is a yearning for a deeper and more profound connection with your own body/heart and that of another.

Expansive or relaxed arousal is the experience of subtler and deeper sensation that is self-sourced from an organic current within. Less stimulation of the body is needed and awareness is focused on relaxing, listening, sensing and feeling the internal world. This type of arousal may initially go unnoticed and be disregarded as this type of attunement and sensitivity takes time to come back ‘online’. The arousal can be maintained for longer periods of time and is a source of nourishment and enrichment for the body, allowing energy, vitality and radiance to flow and expand through the being. Expansive arousal is a space to allow layers of tension to peel away, to enjoy slowly letting go and allowing the warmth and peace of relaxation and pleasure to flow into the system. 

Does a yoni massage involve internal/external touch?

Yoni massage is offered within your boundaries and consent and at your own pace at all times. Your boundaries may change throughout the session too and you are encouraged to communicate what you need in each moment. Sessions may include external touch only or both external and internal touch. The value of sessions is no greater or less with or without internal touch. It is simply honouring your choices on the day and meeting your body with what it is ready for.

Can I still receive a yoni massage if I am bleeding?

Yoni massage is welcome and can be a beautiful experience to receive whilst bleeding. It is encouraged to check the timing of your cycle when making a booking though. If you experience discomfort during bleeding (e.g., cramping or pain) and depending on the pattern of your bleeds (e.g., heavy in the first 1-2 days where the body is calling for rest), it may be in your best interests to reschedule to a time when your body feels more comfortable.

How long should I book for my first session?

A longer initial session is recommended to allow sufficient time for the pre-massage consult and tantra education over a cup of tea (usually 15-30 minutes), the bodywork itself, and a debrief after the bodywork. A longer initial session will provide more time for your body to fully drop in, relax and open to receiving.

Are 60min sessions available?

No. This style of bodywork works with the nervous system, which requires time to allow your system to unwind at its own pace. Most people are amazed at how quickly the time flies by during the session.. and want more!

Can I change my appointment if something comes up? What are your payment options?

A $100 deposit is required for all bookings. Appointments can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior. Changes with less than 24 hours notice will incur a cancellation fee of $100. Payment options include cash, bank transfer or credit card (2% surcharge).

How many sessions are recommended?

This is unique to the individual. Some people benefit from a one-off session; others may be working with a particular challenge/intention and experience a block of sessions as supportive; and some may preference sessions every few months for ongoing self care or to allow more time to digest and integrate the previous session. 

Deepening into your body and sensual self is a lifelong exploration and journey. Finding resonance with practitioners, people, events and experiences can open a doorway for the magic you are next ready to receive.

What about long term transformation?

Working with long standing contractions/holdings in the body takes time for the nervous system to recalibrate and imprint new ways of being. This is in contrast to much of Western dogma and environmental conditioning such as 'quick fix' approaches, instant gratification and endless supply of dopamine hits, over prioritised/pedastalling of the concrete mind (separate from/not infused with the heart), a disconnect from the intelligence and sacredness of the body, a loss of sensitivity to attune to and feel the body, wound up nervous systems from chronic busyness, stress and subtle traumas....etc. 

If nervous system tension is present, just like the natural healing process of the physical body such as that of a fracture, weaving health, access to vitality and a greater sense of wholeness back into the system is a journey of layers. With the infinite depth contained in each person, there are ever unfolding opportunities to meet new parts of yourself and experience new sensations and states of being, which can inspire a path of gratitude and contentment, a love of fresh discoveries and the allowance of more of life in. Luckily rewiring the body to subtle pleasure pathways is a yummy endeavour, and momentum, once gained, is powerful in creating greater effortlessness and ease.

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